Ice Cream…Another one of my favorite Indulgence! I love Vanilla Ice Cream but since Valentine’s day is just around the corner, I decided to add some fresh strawberries to my usual Vanilla Ice Cream recipe!

I remember reading the ingredient list from a store bought Ice Cream container a few years ago and decided on that day to get myself an ice cream maker! I know that cream and sugar are not the the healthiest things to eat but I thought to myself: If I’m going to eat Ice Cream (and god knows I do) might as well eat real “ICED CREAM” and not some man made modified corn starch concoction! Right!?

Anyways, Ice cream is extremely easy to make! Get yourself an ice cream maker ( MY favorite one is the Cuisinart 2 Qt Ice Cream Maker). Once you have this amazing tool, making Ice Cream will even be easy for your kids! That’s actually a great recipe to make with your kids! Well….they get to pour the cream mixture in the ice cream maker and watch it become Ice Cream!

All to say that this ice cream is better than the store bought stuff! And it’s pink 🙂


How to cut your Vanilla Bean

With a sharp pairing knife (or any small  sharp knife), slice your bean in the middle, length wise.

With the back of your knife, gently scrape off the pulp from the inside of each piece of vanilla bean.

Put the vanilla bean and it’s pulp in the cream mixture.


Ice Cream Recipe slightly altered from :

Course: Dessert    Yield: 12 servings    Prep Time: 120 mins    Cook Time: 15 mins  


  • 2 Cup of fresh strawberries, cleaned and hulled
  • 2 Cup of half and half cream (10%)
  • 1 Cup of whipping cream (35%)
  • 1 Cup of white sugar
  • 1 fresh vanilla bean, split and scraped (see how to above)


  1. In a large saucepan, combine the cream (both 10% and 35%), the sugar, the vanilla bean and it's pulp. With a candy thermometer, bring your cream mixture to 170F over medium. Make sure to stir frequently so the cream does not cook on the bottom of your pan. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly. In a food processor, make a puree with the strawberries. You can put the mixture through a sieve if you don't want the strawberry pieces in your ice cream or you can just add the puree to the cream mixture. Mix well. Pour mixture into lidded container and refrigerate overnight to mellow flavours and texture. Remove the hull of the vanilla bean from the ice cream mixture and freeze it in ice cream mixer according to unit's instructions. The mixture will not freeze hard in the machine. Once the volume has increased by 1/2 to 3/4 times, and reached a soft serve consistency, spoon the mixture back into a lidded container and harden in the freezer at least 1 hour before serving.
  2. NOTE: If you do not have a thermometer, bring the mixture just barely to a simmer. As soon as you see a bubble hit the surface, remove it from the heat. Do not let it boil.


  • Keren

    1) How do I convert cup to ml?
    2) What do you mean by “Cup of half and half cream (10%)”? (for not a native english speaker)

    • Hi Keren!
      One “American” cup is 240ml. Half and Half cream is 10 to 18%. Hope this helps 🙂


  • Keren

    1) How do I convert cup to ml?
    2) What do you mean by “Cup of half and half cream (10%)”? (for not a native english speaker)

    • Hi Keren!
      One “American” cup is 240ml. Half and Half cream is 10 to 18%. Hope this helps 🙂
